Becky's Beat
The Electoral College
Because of how our country developed with most of the colonists arriving on the East Coast and then eventually migrating West, our Founding Fathers were sensitive to a reluctance of the population to government by majority vote and sought to balance the interest of all our citizens. The “United”
Inalienable Rights
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are identified in the Unites States Constitution as inalienable rights. What does that actually mean? The Constitution goes on to define it for us so there’s no question what our Founding Fathers meant – “endowed by their Creator”, “truths that are self-evident”, “that
Building Business In Georgia & District 13
When businesses consider where to locate, many factors come into the decision (in no particular order): 1) how business friendly is the state, 2) how business friendly is the county; 3) how business friendly is the town; 4) what tax incentives are being offered by the city; 5) what tax incentive
Education Empowers Achievement
Providing our children, our young people and our young adults the tools to excel in life is very important to the success of a community. I’ve become increasingly concerned that our “education systems”, including public-schools, colleges and universities, have been hijacked
Success Is A Process That Isn’t Easy Or Guaranteed
A successful business requires providing a product or service that someone values enough to give you their money, it requires identifying and selling the idea of the product to an audience (your customers), it requires a balance of producing the product (what you’re selling) and the
Immigration Reform Is Required For The Protection Of Citizens’ Rights
The debate about immigration reform isn’t about if we should allow immigration, it’s about how we do so in a way that protects American sovereignty, respects the rule of law, and is beneficial to all Americans. We must respect
We Must Protect Our Children’s Innocence
While I was never blessed with children of my own, I started babysitting when I was in 4th grade. After church service ended, you would always find me in the nursery with the toddlers. Around 14 years old, we were living in a military complex with 50+ families that were always in need of
The Highest Ethical Standard Is Required – At Least By Me – To Serve As A US Representative
My entrance into the race to run for Congress wasn’t a spur of the moment decision. I considered it for many years before I jumped into the fray.
As a business person, when making any major strategic
Home Of The Free, Because Of The Brave
Given my family’s military history (my Dad served 20+ years in the Army and my brother serves in a special forces national guard unit) it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that
I’m a strong supporter of the armed forces.
The budgets should be fully