The Electoral College

Becky E. Hites
June 22, 2020
Because of how our country developed with most of the colonists arriving on the East Coast and then eventually migrating West, our Founding Fathers were sensitive to a reluctance of the population to government by majority vote and sought to balance the interest of all our citizens. The “United” “States” were literally diverse states united to create America, with differing priorities, differing opinions, differing cultures and differing outlooks on life. This is still true today. Our values in GA are quite different than those in New York City (there was even a taco sauce commercial that tapped into those differences, “NEW YORK CITY?!?”), and those in Colorado are different than those in Illinois, etc.
In order to provide a voice to all citizens, the election of the president and vice president is made by the Electoral College.
Each state is given an electoral vote for each of their senators (100 in total) and each of their Representatives (which is based on each state’s population-435 in total) and 3 votes are given to the District of Columbia (under the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution passed in 1961) for a total 538 electoral votes. With the exception of two states (Maine & Nebraska) the popular vote in the state determines how that state’s electoral college votes are cast. In Maine and Nebraska, the electoral votes are split according to the popular vote.
The Electoral College voting system ensures that the most populous states don’t overwhelm the input from the less populous states.
A win requires 270 of the 538 electoral votes. The five most populous states (California, Texas, Florida, New York and Pennsylvania) account for 171 electoral votes or almost one-third of the vote. Georgia by contrast has 16 electoral votes (as does Michigan). The next group of 14 states accounts for another one-third of the vote including and listed by size (Illinois, Ohio, Michigan/Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington
Tennessee/Arizona/Indiana/Tennessee, and Minnesota/Missouri/Wisconsin which have 10 votes).
There’s an effort by the more liberal, “progressive” states to take the results away from the Electoral College in favor of a populist vote.
Twelve states (Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Vermont, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico Oregon and Washington) have passed the National Popular Vote bill joining California, Illinois and New York which pledges their electoral college votes to the winner of the popular vote regardless of what the popular vote in their states would dictate. This block represents 196 electoral votes. The law has passed at least one chamber in nine additional states (Arkansas, Arizona, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma and Virginia). With 74 additional electoral votes, the electoral college will essentially be nullified and the popular vote will prevail.
We must fight for our rights!
Our country is at a crossroads to determine if the values identified and protected by our Founding Fathers will be overrun by the progressive left that is determined to take over our lives and dictate to us their priorities over our own. The Live And Let Live philosophy of our ancestors is in jeopardy of being obliterated.
All politics is local.
We’ve allowed our government to be taken over by activists in both the Legislative Branch and until recently the Judicial Branch. In this year’s Executive election (for the Presidency and Vice Presidency), there’s no longer a hidden agenda; it’s out in the open. It includes the Green New Deal, emptying our prisons and defunding the police to undermine law and order, a full push to socialism with higher taxes and health services given as a right to all.
These policies aren’t economic or self-sustaining but will destabilize our economy and our civilization. It’s imperative that patriotic people get involved in the process and resist the progressives who have continued to push the expansion of their power and influence into areas of our lives that the Constitution doesn’t give them authority to regulate.
The Electoral College voting system was established to protect us from overreach by those in government from the most populist states.
It’s our responsibility to protect and defend the Electoral College, because it’s the “thin blue line” protecting us from having our rights completely trampled.