Our Position On The Issues

Becky Hites
Oct 5, 2020
It is my strong belief that one of the underlying forces behind the development of the Constitution was the recognition by our Founding Fathers that some basic agreements needed to be reached in order to facilitate the stability and growth of our emerging country. We developed an issues card to communicate my campaign platform, and the position of our incumbent based on his voting record.
Law enforcement is paramount to the safety and security of every community. When laws are disregarded, anarchy reigns.
No country is a county if it cannot control its borders.
I’m a constitutionalist and a fiscal conservative.
I’m a realist who believes it’s unconscionable for Congress to pass laws and then consistently underfund the programs required to comply with those laws.
I believe our citizens and veterans needs should be prioritized.
Our immigration system is broken and Congress needs to do the challenging work of finding a compromise that removes the incentives to foreigners to break our laws to move here.
Our education system needs to be retooled to teach basic skills in comprehension, mathematics and problem solving.
We need trade programs partnered with manufacturing internship to enable our citizens to obtain the appropriate training to perform meaningful skilled jobs.
As your representative, I will strive every day to repeal unreasonable laws and structure beneficial programs for our citizens. I will build coalitions and shore up the votes to ensure that my legislative efforts are not just vanity projects that have no chance of becoming law, but that we tackle tough issues, do the hard work of finding the compromises that work for everyone’s benefit and propose policies that ultimately become the law of the land.