How Do I Plan To Make A Difference

We All Have To Live Together:
The definition of “society” is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. Our laws are the agreed upon rules that govern that society. Our country was created in an environment of debate and contention which resulted in a robust and inclusive constitution dedicated to “liberty and justice for all”. Our current culture has created an environment of intolerance and disrespect as well as fostering the idea that defying laws in “Spartacus” moments is an act of heroism. We all need to be nicer to others who don’t look and think like we do. It’s ok to disagree but we need to be respectful and lawful in our expression of that disagreement. There’s a process to debate and lobby for change and that’s not by hijacking other social platforms (education, sporting events, etc.), bullying those who don’t look like us or agree with us into fear and silence (shouting “go back home” to our great diverse population, lack of free speech in so-called college “safe zones”, etc.) or outright illegal activity (throwing concrete in people’s faces a la Antifa, burning or keying cars as during the inauguration, trolling other’s social events as recently happened at the MAGA DC Christmas event at The Willard, etc.). Our founding fathers disagreed about much but remained civil in their discourse. We must find a way to re-establish communication despite our differences. We need less grandstanding and more lawmaking from our legislators.
Smaller Federal Government:
The United States of America consists of 50 states united together as a country. Our founding fathers thought that distinction was significant enough to keep the states in our country’s name. Founding father Thomas Paine said, “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil.” There is a role for the federal government to play in setting standards across the states of our great country, but many structural rules can, and should, be determined at the state level. For instance, the federal government has enacted laws that make it challenging for insurance companies (health, car, home) to compete across state lines and, in fact in Georgia in my opinion, have destroyed the local healthcare marketplace. Infrastructure investments in states get delayed for literally years due to the complexity of the process of obtaining matching federal funding. Social programs biased against conservative values in favor of liberal values have been “institutionalized” into the federal budget. These incursions are an unacceptable overreach of federal power. The priorities of a liberal state like California should not be imposed on a conservative state like Georgia. Federal programs need to be constructed with the “customers”, i.e. the individual states, choice and accessibility as a priority, for instance low interest loan programs for states to proceed with approved infrastructure spending. I object to my tax payer dollars being used to support a sanctuary city, for instance, among other things which I believe are unlawful and immoral.
Our Current Citizens And Veterans First:
Our country is one of the most generous when responding to humanitarian needs outside and inside our borders. Unfortunately, I believe some of these priorities have become skewed against the benefit of our citizens in favor of others. There’s no doubt that we are a “wealthy” nation compared to most others, and that lots of people need lots of support. However, my family was always required to live on a budget, and so must we as a nation. We MUST provide for our own citizens first. We MUST take care of our veterans first who have sacrificed and fought for the protection and interests of our country at home and abroad.
Reduce Government Spending:
We must balance our budget. No family is allowed to spend more money than it has, and neither should our government. I’m in favor of tying lawmakers’ compensation to their ability to restrict spending to income.
Life Is Precious:
Man was created in God’s image and all life is to be protected, I 100% support Georgia’s recent Heartbeat Bill and will always do everything in my power to protect the unborn.
We need to protect our children from pedophilia and other sexual assault. Increasingly progressive sex education in schools strips our children of their innocence way too early. This gender identification in grammar school and Transvestite reading circles in libraries borders on child abuse.
We need to make sure we are fighting in Georgia against these abuses by supporting programs that are diligent in seeking them out and preventing them from happening. Proactive protection will be my mantra.
The public-school system needs to be fixed. Our children are not being taught history, or economics, or even our process of government. We need to hold schoolteachers accountable to the Pledge of Allegiance being recited in their classrooms. We need citizens to become involved in their schools’ social studies programs with regard to political activism. We women need to get involved to ensure that girls restrooms and lockers are safe for our children. Schools should be non-partisan, balanced, historically accurate, safe, inclusive learning spaces.
Our higher education system is broken, and the government endorsed financial incentives that created the situation need to be analyzed and revised.
I strongly support the re-invigoration of our trade schools and we should give incentives to students
that train to fulfill needed skills within our economy and community.
The 13th Congressional District is a rich area for trade Schools, and I want to work with community leaders to better cultivate industries to build or expand in our district.
I believe that the opportunity for industrial and trade schools should be made available to all 6 counties in the 13th Congressional District of Georgia. Giving industry a trained and educated work force will assist us in cultivating new businesses to look at our District to expand into.
The Right To Bear Arms:
The Second Amendments importance to the preservation of our country can’t be stressed enough.
The second amendment makes the other 9 amendments of the Bill of Rights possible. Without the Second Amendment those political forces that see our Bill of Rights as somewhat a hindrance to their power would be free to slowly erode those rights into oblivion. Throughout world history, when governments take away the rights to own arms; Tyranny isn’t far behind.
I fully support the 2nd Amendment and when elected, will resist any attempt to limit the legal ownership of firearms. I further support the reciprocity of firearms licenses from State to State.
Tax Reform:
There’s a lot of discussion about who benefited “most” from the recent tax reform. The increased personal deduction significantly simplified the filing process, reducing the necessity for many middle class households (including my Mother’s) to pay an accountant to file their returns. My business is required to pay 100% of the 15% social security payment (rather than the typical half most employees pay) and benefited from a slight reduction in the rate required above that base. I’m a big believer that households are better consumers of their funds than governments and that an economy is stronger with a lower percent of government spending. I also believe that the tax repatriation has been and will continue to be beneficial to our economy as global companies have been enabled to bring their cash back to invest (or otherwise spend). The Opportunity Zones created to encourage and facilitate investment in the bottom third economic performing counties I believe will stimulate development in our struggling neighborhoods.
Trade Reform:
Many question why we are risking our economic performance by challenging the status quo with China and others in the global marketplace. Given my role in the steel industry, I’ve had a front row seat in that debate. Following the end of WWII, the USA had a growing economy compared to many other recovering global economies. During the first part of this century, the developing world invested heavily in their economies and have displaced the colonial model of dependence on more developed economies. The USA economy remains the largest and represents 24% of global economic activity, followed by China at 16%. China was admitted into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 as a “developing economy” with the commitment that they would take steps to change the rules of their economy with respect to their banking system, transparency (shifting away from a communist planned economy) and protection of intellectual property (IP) rights. By all accounts (outside of China), it has failed to live up to these obligations and the WTO has not taken effective steps to correct the situation. Due to the film and music industries located here, Georgia is a state that is highly focused on protecting its IP. It’s our responsibility when our rights are being abused to take actions to protect ourselves and insist on compliance with previously agreed upon terms to a co-operative relationship.
Foreign Policy:
The USA historically has played a role of encouraging and fostering democracies around the world and in that role, we have assumed a financial responsibility for political stability around the world. Much to the consternation of some of our allies, President Trump has taken quite dramatic steps to change the dynamic and require foreign governments to bear their share of the financial burden for protecting their countries, which I fully support. The USA is perceived as the great moderator and facilitator of peace, which I support, but I don’t believe it is our responsibility to be the world’s wallet. In many ways, the USA is the only country that can provide a platform for resolution of many the world’s disagreements (such as in North Korea), but it doesn’t follow that we have to pay for them. I 100% support Israel and pray for peace in the Middle East including in Iran (we were at the base in Italy when the paratroopers were infiltrated for the unsuccessful attempt to rescue our hostages). I have clients and friends in the region who envy and yearn for our freedoms and peaceful society. With the discovery and development of natural gas reserves in the USA, we are now in a position to provide energy dependent countries with alternative options that have changed the balance of power in many regions.
Energy Independence:
I support development of our country’s resources to preserve and expand our energy independence. I don’t support the vilification of coal-based power and have always been a supporter of nuclear energy. I don’t support indefinite financial support for the development of air and solar based power; the cost of production needs to be competitive in my opinion.
Healthcare Reform:
There needs to be a functioning capitalistic health delivery system which the Affordable Care Act has disrupted if not almost destroyed. There needs to be a supplemental pre-condition support system and a ranking of pre-conditions based on the pervasiveness within our population that carves out some sort of financial support for higher premiums, alternative health treatments, preventative care, etc.
Reduction Of Prescription Drug Prices:
I support the President’s efforts to reduce the prices of prescription drugs.
Pre-Disclosure Of Medical Expenses:
Hospital and doctors fees fluctuate depending on the insurance coverage. There needs to be standardization of a reasonable reimbursement schedule for cash paying customers so we can make informed decisions. Most large companies self insure and have negotiated these rates. I propose a platform that collects and averages these agreed upon rates to set a range of standards.
Responsiveness To Constituents:
I intend for my office to have a dedicated staff member to record, investigate and resolve constituent issues to the best of our ability. The federal government is supposed to exist to make our lives better and I’ll do all I can to make that a reality.
We All Have To Live Together:
The definition of “society” is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. Our laws are the agreed upon rules that govern that society. Our country was created in an environment of debate and contention which resulted in a robust and inclusive constitution dedicated to “liberty and justice for all”. Our current culture has created an environment of intolerance and disrespect as well as fostering the idea that defying laws in “Spartacus” moments is an act of heroism. We all need to be nicer to others who don’t look and think like we do. It’s ok to disagree but we need to be respectful and lawful in our expression of that disagreement. There’s a process to debate and lobby for change and that’s not by hijacking other social platforms (education, sporting events, etc.), bullying those who don’t look like us or agree with us into fear and silence (shouting “go back home” to our great diverse population, lack of free speech in so-called college “safe zones”, etc.) or outright illegal activity (throwing concrete in people’s faces a la Antifa, burning or keying cars as during the inauguration, trolling other’s social events as recently happened at the MAGA DC Christmas event at The Willard, etc.). Our founding fathers disagreed about much but remained civil in their discourse. We must find a way to re-establish communication despite our differences. We need less grandstanding and more lawmaking from our legislators.
Smaller Federal Government:
The United States of America consists of 50 states united together as a country. Our founding fathers thought that distinction was significant enough to keep the states in our country’s name. Founding father Thomas Paine said, “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil.” There is a role for the federal government to play in setting standards across the states of our great country, but many structural rules can, and should, be determined at the state level. For instance, the federal government has enacted laws that make it challenging for insurance companies (health, car, home) to compete across state lines and, in fact in Georgia in my opinion, have destroyed the local healthcare marketplace. Infrastructure investments in states get delayed for literally years due to the complexity of the process of obtaining matching federal funding. Social programs biased against conservative values in favor of liberal values have been “institutionalized” into the federal budget. These incursions are an unacceptable overreach of federal power. The priorities of a liberal state like California should not be imposed on a conservative state like Georgia. Federal programs need to be constructed with the “customers”, i.e. the individual states, choice and accessibility as a priority, for instance low interest loan programs for states to proceed with approved infrastructure spending. I object to my tax payer dollars being used to support a sanctuary city, for instance, among other things which I believe are unlawful and immoral.
Our Current Citizens And Veterans First:
Our country is one of the most generous when responding to humanitarian needs outside and inside our borders. Unfortunately, I believe some of these priorities have become skewed against the benefit of our citizens in favor of others. There’s no doubt that we are a “wealthy” nation compared to most others, and that lots of people need lots of support. However, my family was always required to live on a budget, and so must we as a nation. We MUST provide for our own citizens first. We MUST take care of our veterans first who have sacrificed and fought for the protection and interests of our country at home and abroad.
Reduce Government Spending:
We must balance our budget. No family is allowed to spend more money than it has, and neither should our government. I’m in favor of tying lawmakers’ compensation to their ability to restrict spending to income.
Life Is Precious:
Man was created in God’s image and all life is to be protected, I 100% support Georgia’s recent Heartbeat Bill and will always do everything in my power to protect the unborn.
We need to protect our children from pedophilia and other sexual assault. Increasingly progressive sex education in schools strips our children of their innocence way too early. This gender identification in grammar school and Transvestite reading circles in libraries borders on child abuse.
We need to make sure we are fighting in Georgia against these abuses by supporting programs that are diligent in seeking them out and preventing them from happening. Proactive protection will be my mantra.
The public-school system needs to be fixed. Our children are not being taught history, or economics, or even our process of government. We need to hold schoolteachers accountable to the Pledge of Allegiance being recited in their classrooms. We need citizens to become involved in their schools’ social studies programs with regard to political activism. We women need to get involved to ensure that girls restrooms and lockers are safe for our children. Schools should be non-partisan, balanced, historically accurate, safe, inclusive learning spaces.
Our higher education system is broken, and the government endorsed financial incentives that created the situation need to be analyzed and revised.
I strongly support the re-invigoration of our trade schools and we should give incentives to students
that train to fulfill needed skills within our economy and community.
The 13th Congressional District is a rich area for trade Schools, and I want to work with community leaders to better cultivate industries to build or expand in our district.
I believe that the opportunity for industrial and trade schools should be made available to all 6 counties in the 13th Congressional District of Georgia. Giving industry a trained and educated work force will assist us in cultivating new businesses to look at our District to expand into.
The Right To Bear Arms:
The Second Amendments importance to the preservation of our country can’t be stressed enough.
The second amendment makes the other 9 amendments of the Bill of Rights possible. Without the Second Amendment those political forces that see our Bill of Rights as somewhat a hindrance to their power would be free to slowly erode those rights into oblivion. Throughout world history, when governments take away the rights to own arms; Tyranny isn’t far behind.
I fully support the 2nd Amendment and when elected, will resist any attempt to limit the legal ownership of firearms. I further support the reciprocity of firearms licenses from State to State.
Tax Reform:
There’s a lot of discussion about who benefited “most” from the recent tax reform. The increased personal deduction significantly simplified the filing process, reducing the necessity for many middle class households (including my Mother’s) to pay an accountant to file their returns. My business is required to pay 100% of the 15% social security payment (rather than the typical half most employees pay) and benefited from a slight reduction in the rate required above that base. I’m a big believer that households are better consumers of their funds than governments and that an economy is stronger with a lower percent of government spending. I also believe that the tax repatriation has been and will continue to be beneficial to our economy as global companies have been enabled to bring their cash back to invest (or otherwise spend). The Opportunity Zones created to encourage and facilitate investment in the bottom third economic performing counties I believe will stimulate development in our struggling neighborhoods.
Trade Reform:
Many question why we are risking our economic performance by challenging the status quo with China and others in the global marketplace. Given my role in the steel industry, I’ve had a front row seat in that debate. Following the end of WWII, the USA had a growing economy compared to many other recovering global economies. During the first part of this century, the developing world invested heavily in their economies and have displaced the colonial model of dependence on more developed economies. The USA economy remains the largest and represents 24% of global economic activity, followed by China at 16%. China was admitted into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 as a “developing economy” with the commitment that they would take steps to change the rules of their economy with respect to their banking system, transparency (shifting away from a communist planned economy) and protection of intellectual property (IP) rights. By all accounts (outside of China), it has failed to live up to these obligations and the WTO has not taken effective steps to correct the situation. Due to the film and music industries located here, Georgia is a state that is highly focused on protecting its IP. It’s our responsibility when our rights are being abused to take actions to protect ourselves and insist on compliance with previously agreed upon terms to a co-operative relationship.
Foreign Policy:
The USA historically has played a role of encouraging and fostering democracies around the world and in that role, we have assumed a financial responsibility for political stability around the world. Much to the consternation of some of our allies, President Trump has taken quite dramatic steps to change the dynamic and require foreign governments to bear their share of the financial burden for protecting their countries, which I fully support. The USA is perceived as the great moderator and facilitator of peace, which I support, but I don’t believe it is our responsibility to be the world’s wallet. In many ways, the USA is the only country that can provide a platform for resolution of many the world’s disagreements (such as in North Korea), but it doesn’t follow that we have to pay for them. I 100% support Israel and pray for peace in the Middle East including in Iran (we were at the base in Italy when the paratroopers were infiltrated for the unsuccessful attempt to rescue our hostages). I have clients and friends in the region who envy and yearn for our freedoms and peaceful society. With the discovery and development of natural gas reserves in the USA, we are now in a position to provide energy dependent countries with alternative options that have changed the balance of power in many regions.
Energy Independence:
I support development of our country’s resources to preserve and expand our energy independence. I don’t support the vilification of coal-based power and have always been a supporter of nuclear energy. I don’t support indefinite financial support for the development of air and solar based power; the cost of production needs to be competitive in my opinion.
Healthcare Reform:
There needs to be a functioning capitalistic health delivery system which the Affordable Care Act has disrupted if not almost destroyed. There needs to be a supplemental pre-condition support system and a ranking of pre-conditions based on the pervasiveness within our population that carves out some sort of financial support for higher premiums, alternative health treatments, preventative care, etc.
Reduction Of Prescription Drug Prices:
I support the President’s efforts to reduce the prices of prescription drugs.
Pre-Disclosure Of Medical Expenses:
Hospital and doctors fees fluctuate depending on the insurance coverage. There needs to be standardization of a reasonable reimbursement schedule for cash paying customers so we can make informed decisions. Most large companies self insure and have negotiated these rates. I propose a platform that collects and averages these agreed upon rates to set a range of standards.
Responsiveness To Constituents:
I intend for my office to have a dedicated staff member to record, investigate and resolve constituent issues to the best of our ability. The federal government is supposed to exist to make our lives better and I’ll do all I can to make that a reality.