Living the MLK Jr Dream, The Late Mr. Herman Cain

Becky Hites
Aug 10, 2020
I was not blessed to meet Herman Cain, but many in Georgia did and my campaign strategist Mr. Gregory Fournier was honored to work for him during his 2016 Presidential run.
Herman Cain accomplished great things in his life, and literally lived the physical manifestation of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. dream.
He was a successful businessman. He was a prominent citizen in his society. He was a respected politician.
With the 100th year anniversary of women’s right to vote, I was reflecting on the prior inequalities in our society. In Georgia, those rights weren’t granted until 1970. Only 50 years ago. I was 5 years old. My 80-year old mother was born and raised in and around Titusville, Florida and was mentioning that she didn’t remember voting early in her life. Turns out, she was right. Florida didn’t grant women that right until 1969… by which time, she was married and living in New Jersey (as my Dad had joined the Army during the Korean War), and had been voting for SEVEN YEARS!!
There are many of us who can remember a time in our lives when things weren’t “fair”; when we hoped for better from our country. But look at the things we’ve accomplished.
I am a single women in her 50s, a successful business women, a candidate for Congress. My grandmother couldn’t get a loan on her house without my Dad’s co-signature – and he wasn’t even related to her at the time – just because he was a white man who was considered an acceptable financial risk. Today many of those barriers have been torn down.
In the bible, the Lord says we have been freed from the chains of sin. I had a pastor who used to say, “the sins you can’t conquer are those you don’t want to conquer, because God has already declared the victory.”
In today’s society, many these battles have already been won.
You can live and work wherever you want, in whatever industry you want, working inside or outside, with your hands or with your brains. Your children can be educated in public schools, in private schools, in religious schools, and in NJ my co-workers even sent their children to Japanese schools.
Only you are restricting the accomplishments of your life.
My family came from nothing.
I recently heard State Rep Vernon Jones speak; his family came from nothing.
We recently heard SC Senator Tim Scott speak; his family came from nothing.
America is an amazing country where you can start from nothing and with hard work, a drive to succeed, and in many instances support from your community and family, you can be anything you set your mind to be.
My commitment to you as your Representative is that I will hold the line against government intrusion into your lives. I will champion laws that empower law enforcement to protect and defend our communities. I will fund the armed forces to protect and defend our country, but I will require our allies to pay their fair share when they rely on our forces for their protection.
I will work to ensure a quality education geared toward useful employment for all of District 13’s citizens.
Together we will deliver better. Vote for Becky E. Hites for Congress in November.