Empowering Small Businesses, Including Black Businesses

Becky Hites
Sept 28, 2020
In last week’s Wall Street Journal there was a feature titled “The Daughter of a Slave Who Did the Unthinkable: Build a Bank”. The teaser was “The first Black woman banker in the U.S., Maggie Lena Walker saw the economic independence of her peers as an ethical imperative. ‘Let us have a bank that will take the nickels and turn them into dollars,’ she said.”
Last Friday, President Trump visited Atlanta to meet with black leaders and discuss economic empowerment of the black business community.
Under this administration, black unemployment rates dropped to the lowest levels in history, small businesses according to the US Senate’s committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship reports that 50% of the new 2 million small businesses created in the past decade were minority owned, creating 4.7 million jobs and annual sales close to $700 billion.
President Trump has pledged increased access to $500 billion of capital in black communities.
David Scott, our current representative, who I might add has been a beneficiary of the societal gains of the past two decades, won’t push back against the riots in our towns, the destruction of our historical monuments, and the disrespect for the laws that keep us all safe. He won’t even support our law enforcement officials who seek to ensure a stable and peaceful community for us all. He doesn’t tout our country’s great accomplishments. Is our country perfect? Of course not. But rioting is NOT a path to any positive resolution or improvement of anything.
David Scott is part of the establishment that has brainwashed black business owners and the black community that it’s “safer” to stay home and hide rather than push back against all obstacles and overcome as is our great American heritage.
He’s supposed to be part of the process for improving our laws, but after 16 years in Congress he’s either been too apathetic or too ineffective to actually construct and pass any legislation to make our lives better.
He served under our first black president when the Democrat party controlled both Houses of Congress and all they accomplished was to destroy our free market health care system and fund the killing of our babies, who are our legacy. It’s unacceptable.
In the past four years, the Republican party downsized the government and returned citizen’s money for their discretionary spending. We gave working mothers a tax break for their child care costs. We reduced government regulations and grew our economy – something the previous Administration said couldn’t be done, “there’s no magic wand”, and he was right. It takes responsible government.
We have to reopen our businesses and get back to work. Our steel mills are operating below 70% capacity. Our airplanes are flying only half full. Our schools are struggling to find a way to teach our children, but some of our teachers (who work for US by the way) are 100% on their “America is unfair, socialism is preferred” soap box.